After reading inspiring stories about kids who had made a difference in their society or lives, the pupils of the 4aS also wanted to start their own projects.
They should make up their mind and find an idea to make a difference in our school. The first challenge was to find a good idea and how you could put it into practice.
Here are some of the creative ideas from our pupils:
- Free learning lessons after school
- Own school garden
- MST (Mittelschule Ternitz) coin system
- Own healthy school cafeteria
- Open learning – Environment for everybody
- Less check-ups – less stress
After gathering their thoughts, it was time to create a poster or a Power Point presentation and to prepare the most interesting bullet points.
Their ideas and presentations were very impressive and it was very hard for Mrs. Fally and Mrs. Mayer to select a winner.
Now it is up to our headmaster to choose one out of these amazing projects and give one idea the possibility to be realized.